Day 4-
We went to Bass Lake today and had a hard time finding a good beach that wasn't private or already inhabited by boaters. We finally found a rocky shore that was populated by the local Native Americans, the Mono Indians. I looked for some sign that said "Native Americans Only, Paleface Go Home" and having found none, we decided to integrate the beach.

The guys played in the water for a while, Don floating in the elaborate floating recliner given him by Bob, his brother, Barry in a small, leaking 2 man boat and Ty, on a cheap air mattress, the kind we used to put our sleeping bags on when I was a kid. The kind that invariably deflated or stealthily bucked you off during the night.
We stopped in town for propane and checked our lottery numbers. We had all pitched in one dollar in

We also went into Von's for further supplies. I think we spent the majority of our time in the car going for supplies, you know, flour, fat-back, coffee, some horehound candy for the younguns... Anyway, Ty needed to use the bathroom and asked Don if they had a nice bathroom.
"Depends on what you mean by nice" said Don.
Ty replies "You know, better than the stinking outhouse at Rock Creek."
"Well, it had a lot of gay graffiti and someone smeared poop on the wall."
Barry pipes in, "So what your saying is, it's nicer than Rock Creek."
Cath~~ When we were at lunch the other day you started to tell me about the lake. It was noisy in the restaurant and I mis-understood what you said. I thought you said Bad Ass Lake...When I went home and read your blog I chuckled to myself when I read Bass Lake. I guess a hearing aid might be in order.heheh
I have had Goober Grape.. and think is is quite tasty.
WEll, I can understand how you would think a tough chick like me would hang out at Bad-ass Lake! hahaha BTW, that 5 Guys hamburger was dee-lish!
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