I'm going to get something off my chest and I will probably not be too popular with some of you once I am finished.
My church really pushes for mothers to be at home, no higher calling than mother, heart of the home, etc...I think that is a worthy endeavor, being at home. I was home for 17 years raising 4 children.
I was a homemaker. I mean, I made a home, working every day at that task. I gardened and canned. I got up with my children, fixed them breakfast, made lunches, made sure they were at school on time, fixed them a snack when they got home. I cooked delicious, nutritious and balanced meals. I made bread and baked cookies. I washed and ironed my husbands shirts. I kept a clean and tidy house. I sewed and painted and built. I took a real sense of pride in MY JOB. This was my JOB. My husband went to his job and this was MY job.
Lately, I am bewildered by the posts I am reading in blogs and on Facebook, posts written by stay at home moms and not just one or two. Posts detailing their days, the hours spent on facebook, the lunch dates, the naps, the mess, the dinners out, the showers at 3:00pm,the dozing for a couple of hours on the couch while the kiddos watch Dora, blah, blah , blah. "Can't wait til hubby comes home from work and asks me what I've done all day! hehe".
Everyone chimes in, echoing the same habits, unashamed.
Have you no pride? Don't you feel the least bit responsible to do your most at home while your husband is out working, at a job he may not love, to provide for you and your family?
Or is it you are depressed? I don't get it!
I guess I am just old school, but get out of bed before your kids and shower and get dressed.
Turn off the TV, get away from the computer for a while and do something constructive.
Have some pride in being a homemaker.