You already know from an earlier post, that I am afflicted with pareidolia(scroll down) The WIKI articles relates it's not only faces we Pareidoliacs see, it can be just about anything! Today as I drove home alone in the car, I was excited to see a large squirrel sitting on a fallen tree branch.
I squealed with delight to no-one in particular, "OH! A squirrel!" (It doesn't take much to excite me.) I was a bit worried for it, since it was right next to the busy highway! Imagine my disappointment when I realized the "squirrel" was just an extension of the broken branch. Yes my friends, that is the pain of living with Pareidoliasm.

My creatively talented daughter, Shannon, was on television recently and I was so proud of her! She even gave me a shout-out for teaching her the fine art of scavenging for treasures on the road-side! Check out her appearance on "Studio5".
i'm copying your glove trick! my right and is always freezing, while the left stays toasty warm (usually from sitting on it!) haha!
you taught me the tricks of the trade! :) love you momma lu!
I love the glove idea... I will have to try it at home.
I can see where Shan got her creativity from.. watching her on Studio 5 I thought to myself she looks so much like you.. and has some of your same mannerisms!!!!
I get excited about squirrels too. I just like the little critters.
Shannon did awesome! I wish I had some of her talent.
I need some with batteries!
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