What to write? I must write something, I feel a responsibility to my vast readership. (snicker, snicker)
My blog looks at me with reproachment. Actually, I just heard that pronounced on the radio as reh prozh mon. Ooh, I like that!
Like a sad puppy, the blog says, "Play with me, pay me attention, or I will have to look at you with reh prozh mon! Apparently, eet ees a leetle French Poodle poopy!
On Arizona's Immigration Bill:
While listening to NPR today, Neal Conan asked reporter Peter O'Dowd the question, "has there been any suggestions as to how police are supposed to recognize an illegal immigrant?"
Honest to Goodness, he answered, "Let's say you are pulled over for a speeding ticket, just having brown skin, that wouldn't warrant your showing proof of citizenship(whatever that might be)
if you're pulled over for a speeding ticket and you're in a car with 5 other brown skinned people, near the border, and there are OTHER circumstances involved, then it would be okay to ask for *proof of citizenship."
OKAY, here's what I want to know.
What exactly might these OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES be...?
Perhaps Norteño music playing? A Virgin of Guadalupe on the dash? Maybe on their way to a landscaping or slaughterhouse job?
COME ON PEOPLE! How can it not lead to profiling?
comments? Let the reh prozh mon begin.