Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reading Between the Lines

The following is an email exchange between my daughter and me.
"Are you at court today? How are you? I am in such a bad mood, dad started it off this morning talking abt. "yeah, just think, only so many days of daylight savings left. I cant wait!"  I have told him a hundred times, I hate when daylight savings ends. I dont care if it's light in the MORNING! I'd rather have it light at night! So I finally asked him if he really didn't know how I felt abt.it and if he did, how come he had to keep rubbing my nose in it when I've TOLD him a million time I dont WANT TO HEAR it!  It just bugged me! I wouldnt keep reminding him about something that   was going to happen that he didn't want to happen. Im sure he just thought, "wow SHE"S in a bad mood" but I wasn't til he started in. AND he didnt leave any light on for me downstairs, he comes up after his breakfast and shuts everything off. THAT bugs me, it's pitch dark, leave a light on for me.  arghhhhhhh! guess i am in a bad mood hahaha   ugh! well, hope you are having a good day and are in a good mood! : )  love you, mom

I was at court this morning. It was okay- I wasn’t there that long. There’s a door man/bailiff that thinks he’s the shiznit (creepy middle age guy) and he is always discriminating against women. “Take off your shoes” “Put that in the bin” etc etc when he doesn’t make the MEN take off their shoes. He’s an ass. Kirk has complained to the court about him before b/c of the way he acts and he changed for a little bit, but he’s getting back into old habits.
I’ve been moody the past couple of days. I’m trying to stay positive, but it’s hard! I also hate…no loathe, when daylight savings ends. Seriously, I get really depressed. I might go tanning once a week, as I heard that helps. But I don’t want to get burnt…hmm…it just sucks. That is rude of dad- I HATE when people don’t leave a light on. Dad just doesn’t think or consider other peoples thoughts/feelings. He just seriously doesn’t get it.  I sorry. Let’s do fun things this winter! I hope your day gets better! We’re ordering lunch today from Village Baker b/c of a birthday. I got egg salad (no bread) and a spinach salad. Sounded good!
Talk to you soon- Love you!!! shan

So many things said here. 
We are both dieting, low carb. Mmmm egg salad and spinach salad! Yum! My choices today were "grilled cheese" (only in the loosest sense of what a good grilled cheese sandwich is) mini-corndogs, frozen burrito. We no longer have a daily salad bar for teachers, only on Wed. and Fri. So it was an apple for me. My weight has steadily been climbing since school started and I've got to get back on the stick...celery stick!
We both are "seasonally affected". While I don't get really depressed, too badly, it is just so sad for me to see the days shorten. Then I remember, you just have to make it til Dec. 21st and the days lengthen once more!
I am trying to stay positive too. She actually ovulated this month and you cant help but get your hopes up.
He really doesn't get it.
I feel better already : )


MarlaD said...

I hate the time change too. Dark in the morning is fine with me, but there is nothing worse than leaving work for the day and it's already dark outside. I sorta fold up my wings for the day when it gets dark. And of course, there's nothing better than sitting outside barefoot at 9 pm and it's still not dark! Let's countdown to December 21 together!

Insensitive men? Pleeeeease! You don't want to get me started on that subject!

just call me jo said...

I always hated when the time changed. You should come to AZ. We don't change. The coolest thing ever. I am seasonally affected too--I'm depressed almost every season, however. Men are rather annoying in my mind right now. My latest post explains. And he didn't leave a light on. At least your daughter is empathetic. My daughter always sides with her dad. What the?

life in red shoes said...

I have a confession to make, I like daylight savings.
School lunch :( As if working in the deep freeze weren't punishment enough!
Try using a Happy Lamp, we quite like ours :)
Men....you know where I stand.

life in red shoes said...

P.S. December 21st isn't that far away :)

life in red shoes said...

I'm trying to cheer you up!

life in red shoes said...

Is it working?

Evette Mendisabal said...

LOL! This whole post {AND following comments; BRIDGET} has me giggling! It's like a snap shot of my own life!! With your blog to read {and design gals' too} my seasonal "funk" might not be so bad! We could always get together and have another bloggers night out ... just the girls of course ... We certainly don't need any men around!

clair said...

It is hard this time of year. Do you have a SAD light? My sister has one and it helps her.

I'm on a diet right now too. It's phenomenal how that can drain the fun right out of life.

You should join pinterest. It makes me happy. All of that eye candy, it's wonderful! :)

Shan @ Design Gal said...

I'm with Evette- let's do another bloggers night out! Love you mamma lu!