Saturday, September 11, 2010

This one is for girls only.

After getting a couple of new bras, I had a craving for a Schlotzky's.
When I was pregnant with my caboose, I lived on these sandwiches and came out of the pregnancy 15 lbs lighter than when I went in! Sitting there eating my lunch took me back to those days, they were pretty darn good. All of my other kids were in school, I wasn't working then, (at least not for pay), I'd get up, pack lunches, cook pancakes (I was the uber homemaker), clean the house (I vacuumed every day!), put in some laundry, then go shopping, volunteer at school, work on projects, take a little nap just before the kids came home... yes, the good ol' days! Not that these days also aren't pretty darn good...
Speaking of bra shopping, there is not much I dislike more than getting half nekkid in a dressing room and trying on bras. You feel so vulnerable. So I don't. I bring a bunch home and return the ones I don't want. Ladies, is there anything that feels better than a new, well fitting bra! My poor girls were gettin' no support! They'd start off okay but after a little while they'd start the inevitable downward spiral, well not really a spiral, but definitely downward. You know the Cheryl Crow song "Are You Strong Enough to be My Man"?  My bra shopping anthem is "Are you Strong Enough to be My Bra?" I want thick straps, underwires, side stays, sturdy but smooth cups and as many hooks on the back as you want to provide! THAT is not an easy thing to find! But I found a couple at Penney's and they were 25% off, to boot!
So a Schlotzky's sandwich and well supported was a good day!


Shan @ Design Gal said...

haha, i just love you! and I love me a schlotzky's samich too! you have always been such a great mom and wife! we were talking about our childhoods the other day and i was telling some friends how I loved my childhood, mainly because I had such a wonderful mom :)

just call me jo said...

It's the simple things in life...(although that bra sounds pretty complicated.) I hate shopping for jeans and swim suits worse than bras.

Unknown said...

It is the simple things in lige that make us happy. Nothing like a good bra. I too hate swimsuit shopping, there is nothing worse.

life in red shoes said...

Oh how I remember those days of being a stay at home mama!

And bras, a good one is worth it's weight in gold:)

Glad your girls are riding high;)

just call me jo said...

If you don't like violence, I'm not sure you'd survive any of these. The first one seems the most rough to me, but they're all dark and cruel. Not much sweetness in these books. Have you read The Help? It's excellent and not excessively violent.