Thursday, March 15, 2012

Old Friend

I have been thinking so often of an old friend lately, and for me that usually means something.

I have had dreams, intuitions, and other things that are meaningful to me and that have been "spot-on". While I don't consider myself psychic, by any means, I do have these experiences (for lack of a better word), that are unexplained and out of the blue.

These thoughts I was having were most strong last week and, being unable to contact my friend, I just hoped for the best and put them out of my mind. Then, the other night I on my way home from Parent Teacher Conference, I flipped on the radio and heard a little known artist on a nighttime Jazz program that I rarely, if ever, listen to.  Boy, that music took me back to the olden days, when we were friends. Then, today I saw something on MSN's home page that was strongly tied to this old friend and my thoughts were once again at the forefront.

On the very small chance that they might check my blog from time to time...

Old Friend,
Out of the blue, you've been strongly in my thoughts. I hope all is well for you and your family, that you are all happy, healthy... wealthy and wise : ) Just hope everything is good for you and that you still listen to Claude Bolling every now and then. Take care.

Your old friend, Cathy


just call me jo said...

I hope all is well and it's good vibes that are giving you promptings. Hope you make a connection.

Unknown said...

I hope you make a connection too.

life in red shoes said...

It's not me.

Breezy said...

Trust your intuition!!