Sunday, May 17, 2009

Back from Hurr'kin

Just got back from short visit with the folks. These short, little 2 night stays are very sweet. Short and sweet. There's something to be said for the short and sweet visit, that "so glad you are here" feeling never wears off.

I made my Mom a lemon cake from a recipe I found at (one of my fave blogs!) and what greeted me as I entered Mom's kitchen? A big ol' lemon cake from Costco...great minds think alike! We enjoyed our first BBQ'd hamburgers and corn on the cob of the season, eating out on the patio. It was so pleasant out there, sat and talked til late, watched and listened to "their" birds, enjoyed the green and flowers of the backyard. Spring is the best time of the year in S. Utah. On the way down, everything was so green! Baby lambies, calves and colts in the was a nice trip. Of course on Friday night the infamous Devil Winds of Hurkin' kicked up, they don't call it Hurricane for nuthin"! Sleeping in my folk's guest bed, a beautiful antique, burled-walnut, spool bed, is not the greatest. It was built for smaller, old-timey people. Oh, my back! Don and I are looking forward to sleeping tonight in our King-sized bed(for king-sized people!)

At breakfast this morning we were talking about Clover the goat (at mcminn's site) being taken to another farm to get bred and how we had never read if she were pregnant or not.

Ty said, "oh, is that what they call it?"

Confused, I replied, "yeah, you know, to breed."

"Oh!! I thought you meant "to get bread", like a euphemism for getting her pregnant!"

Hahahaha, we had a good laugh over that one!

I'm so grateful my folks are only 3 hours away. I thought to myself on the way home, "why didn't I do this more often before my Mom got sick?" They've lived here now for a few years and until just recently, I probably saw them 5 times a year. I don't know... Life gets in the way until something "wakes you up".

Well, here's to many more trips and a good night's sleep in a big bed!


Breezy said...

Sounds like a great time..I am glad you have this time to spend with them ( and I must admit a tad envious) These are sweet, sweet times!

Barry said...

I'm gonna come with you guys next time! :)

Shan @ Design Gal said...

that was so fun! let's plan another weekend trip! andrew just loves grandpa and grandma and we always have so much fun together! I LOVE OUR FAMILIY!